Crystal Meth Kristal

Crystal meth

Crystal meth methamfetamine Tina Ice
Would you like to know more about crystal meth? Down below you'll read all common questions and answers about this drug.

What is crystal meth?

Crystal meth is a drug. It usually appears as crystals or as a powder. Crystal meth contains methamphetamine. Crystal meth also has nicknames like meth, crystal, Tina or Ice.

Crystal meth gives you a lot more energy and makes you feel alert. You also feel happy and confident. You feel the need to talk to other people. Some people might also get turned on.

Using crystal meth also has risks. You could overheat and experience heart or other cardiovascular problems. After using meth it might be hard to fall asleep and this could exhaust you. Crystal meth is also harmful to the brain.

Do you use crystal meth often and in large amounts? Then you could start suffering from depression and other psychological problems.

Do you use meth? Or do you know someone who uses it? Make sure you know what you can do to make the risks of using it smaller. Do you not want to face any risks? Then it's better to not use speed at all.

Meth: in short

What does it do to you?

What does it do to you?

  • It makes you feel strong euphoria (happiness)
  • You get more energy and feel more alert
  • You feel more confident and want to talk more
  • Your feelings of tiredness and hunger disappear

The effects of crystal meth are similar to those of speed, but crystal meth is much stronger and lasts much longer.

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How is it used?

How is it used?

Crystal meth can be snorted, swallowed or injected. It's also sometimes smoked or taken anally (boofing).

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What are the risks?

What are the risks?

Using crystal meth also has risks. Some risks you'll notice right away, like overheating, panic attacks, psychosis, an epileptic seizure, heart attack or stroke. Other risks you'll notice only later, when the meth has worn off already, like depression, distrust, anxiety disorder and addiction. Crystal meth use can also cause permanent brain damage.

If you inject crystal meth, there are extra risks. The greatest risks of injecting crystal meth are addiction and overdose.

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Making risks smaller

Making risks smaller

Do you want to reduce the risk? Then read the following tips:

  • Use only if you feel good physically and mentally
  • Get your crystal meth tested.
  • Eat and rest well before and after use
  • Prevent overheating - drink enough water, but not too much. 1 glass of water per hour (water, soda, sport drink) is enough. Rest every now and then and cool down
  • Don't use too much at once and don't use too often. Only use on special occasions
  • Don't combine with alcohol or other drugs
  • Don't participate in traffic
  • Don't fight the negative effects of using meth, like exhaustion or depression, by using more meth.
  • Make sure you have safe sex under the influence of meth. Remember to use a condom.
  • Don't use meth if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, a weak heart or epilepsy.
  • Use your own sniffing tube or needle for injecting that you don't share with others. It's better to snort/swallow meth than to inject it.

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What does it look like?

Crystal meth usually appears as a white powder or larger crystals. It doesn't have a smell and it tastes bitter. It's also available in pills and capsules.

What does it do to you?

The effects of crystal meth

The effect of alcohol and drugs can be different every time. This has to do with how you feel mentally and physically (set) and where and with who you are at that moment (setting). How much you take and what exactly is in your drugs also matters for the effect. We call this drug, set, setting

What does meth do to you?

Crystal meth gives you a lot of energy and stops you from feeling tired. It's a stimulating substance, also known as an 'upper'.

  • You feel happy and alert
  • You have lots of energy and stamina
  • You feel confident and want to talk a lot
  • Your thoughts feel 'faster'
  • You can feel restless or have trouble falling asleep
  • You can also feel agitated or aggressive

Crystal meth (methamphetamine) is a kind of amphetamine (speed). How you feel when you use crystal meth feels similar to how speed makes you feel. But there are important differences. Meth is much stronger and the effects last far longer.

How long the effects last: if you snort crystal meth you'll feel the effects within 5-10 minutes. After 4-10 hours most effects will have faded. If you swallow crystal meth, it takes longer before you notice the effects. This could take between 15-45 minutes.After 8-12 hours most effects will have faded. Some people feel the after-effects of crystal meth for up to 12-24 hours.

If you smoke or inject crystal meth, you'll feel the effects very quickly. The effects are stronger than if you swallow or snort it. The effects also last shorter if you inject or smoke it, and it's also more addictive when you take meth this way.

The effects you get when you smoke or inject crystal meth are very strong the first couple hours. Some users quickly want to have those same effects again if they're starting to fade. The urge to take more we call 'craving'.

How is it used?

How is meth used?

Crystal meth can be snorted and swallowed. As a pill, capsule or powder rolled into a rolling paper, for example.

An important difference between crystal meth and speed is that meth can be smoked. Speed can't be smoked. When smoking, crystal meth is put in a glass pipe and heated.

Crystal meth can be injected. This is also called 'slamming'. Crystal meth can also be used anally, this is called plugging, booty bumping or boofing.

What are the risks?

What are the risks of meth?

Using crystal meth also has risks. Some risks you'll notice right away, like overheating. Other risks you'll only notice later, when thesubstance has worn off, like psychological problems and addiction.

What are the short term risks?

  • An overdose. If you inject crystal meth, the odds of having an overdose are higher than when you snort or swallow it.
  • Your body could overheat.
  • You could get a hangover - you could feel tired, sad or anxious for days after use.
  • You could get problems with your heart and blood vessels. Your blood pressure rises - this could also cause brain hemorrhaging, or a heart attack.
  • Crystal meth makes you feel less hungry. You might start eating less under the influence of meth and lose weight.
  • You might start clamping your jaws together and grinding your teeth. This is bad for your teeth.
  • You might get psychological problems like sad feelings or trouble focusing.
  • If you don't sleep and keep using crystal meth for a long time, you could get into a psychosis. During a psychosis you experience the world and yourself differently. You could see, hear or believe things that aren't real.

What are the long term risks?

  • Crystal meth is erg verslavend. Als je verslaafd bent, heb je je gebruik niet meer onder controle. Je gebruikt vaker en meer dan je wil of dan goed voor je is. Je hebt ook steeds meer nodig om je goed te voelen. Dit heet tolerantie.
  • Crystal meth is very addictive. If you're addicted, you lose control of your use. You use more often and in larger amounts than you want or is good for you. You also keep needing more and more to feel good. This is called 'tolerance'.
  • When you use meth a lot and use it often, you could get psychological problems. Like depression, anxiety or restlessness. It can also cause psychosis if you're predisposed to it or if it has happened to family.
  • Using crystal meth for longer can cause permanent brain damage.

Making risks smaller

How can you make the risks of using smaller?

Do you want to reduce the risk? Then read the following tips:

  • Use only if you feel good physically and mentally
  • Get your crystal meth tested.
  • Eat and rest well before and after use
  • Prevent overheating - drink enough water, but not too much. 1 glass of water per hour (water, soda, sport drink) is enough. Rest every now and then and cool down
  • Don't use too much at once and don't use too often. Only use on special occasions
  • Don't combine with alcohol or other drugs
  • Don't participate in traffic
  • Don't fight the negative effects of using meth, like exhaustion or depression, by using more meth.
  • Make sure you have safe sex under the influence of meth. Remember to use a condom.
  • Don't use meth if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, a weak heart or epilepsy.
  • When snorting, use your own snorting tube that you don't share with others. Don't use cash money (bills) for snorting.
  • If you inject meth, use a smaller dosage. An overdose is more likely if you inject instead of snorting/swallowing meth.
  • Always use new and clean needles. New needles are sharper than used needles. This helps prevent wounds and infections.
  • Never use needles that have been used by someone else. You might pass around infection diseases like hepatitis B/C or HIV.
  • Make sure the part of your body where you're injecting the meth has been cleaned well
  • Throw away your needles properly. Don't throw them onto the street or in trashcans where people might accidentally poke themselves with it. You can throw away your needles in several locations, you can read more about needle swapping locations here.

You can read more about reducing risks on

Meth and Dutch law

What does Dutch law say about crystal meth?

Meth is on list (schedule) 1 of the Opiumwet. According to the law it's a hard drug. That means you are not allowed to carry, make or sell it.

If you carry a little bit of meth with you (1 gram or less) you usually aren't punished. Police could however take (confiscate) your meth. You can also be rejected or kicked out of a party if you are seen carrying meth. If you have more than 1 gram  with you, security or the police could think that you're selling drugs (dealing). You can get a fine or prison sentence for this.

Crystal meth statistics & data

How many people use crystal meth?

There is a lot of research into drug usage in the Netherlands. Some research is about all people above 18 years old. Other research is about smaller groups. Like people who go out a lot, students, or citizens of a specific city. This research gives us a good overview of drug usage in the Netherlands.

Crystal meth use is quite uncommon in the Netherlands. Crystal meth is sometimes used in certain communities, like men who have sex with men or people who are active in the swinger scene. This group of meth users are usually 'chemsex' users.

From a 2020 study under people aged 16-35 who go out, 0.7% had ever used crystal meth.

Meth and medicine

Meth and medicine

If you want to use alcohol or other drugs it's important you feel good physically and mentally. If you're sick, sad or fearful for example, then alcohol and drugs can make it worse.

Some drugs in combination with certain medicine can make you very sick. Some combinations can even be deadly.

Are you using medicine and do you still want to use alcohol or other drugs? Then carefully research if you can beforehand. You can ask your doctor or pharmacy. Or check our overview. Do you still feel uncertain? Then make sure to message us at our Question & Answer service.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Meth and pregnancy & breastfeeding

Do not use alcohol or other drugs if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Drugs are harmful for the baby and can cause your baby to be born sick.

More info about the influence of cocaine on sex, pregnancy and breastfeeding can be found in this overview.