Stop or cut back on smoking
Treatment at Jellinek is no more strenuous than necessary. We keep it as low-level as possible, but we offer intensive treatment if you need it. We have no waiting lists, or only short ones for certain specialised treatments. To an extent you can determine the course and setting of the treatment yourself.
To get your addiction under control, cognitive-behavioural therapy is often a good approach. We can provide it in individual or group sessions or in combination. If necessary, these can also be combined with medical treatment. If you want to stop completely and would like to do so with the support of other people who are achieving the same thing, then the 12-step Minnesota treatment model may be right for you. It emphasises empathy and solidarity with others.
Cognitive-behavioural therapy | Minnesota model |
Jellinek gives you hope of a different life, a life without addictive substances or gambling. Take your first step today and contact Jellinek. We have treatment centres in Amsterdam, Utrecht, Amersfoort, Amstelveen and Hilversum.
Symptoms of smoking dependency
- Bad breath and unhealthy teeth.
- Unhealthy, ugly skin.
- Breathing problems or chronic cough.
- High blood pressure.
- You need more and more nicotine to feel the effects.
- Restlessness and withdrawal symptoms when you can’t smoke.
Advantages of stopping smoking
- Improved physical condition.
- Your skin looks better and you taste and smell things better.
- Improved memory.
- More resistance to illness and better health, including your respiratory system.
- Reduced health risks (such as lung disease, heart problems or cancer).
- More money to spend.
- Positive reactions from people around you.
Want to stop by yourself?
Do our online self-help course for smoking cessation (Dutch).